About Us

Making my work available for purchase is my way of giving back to my community. Supporting local businesses as well as Made in the US manufacturers will help keep a part of the workforce employed. Your purchase helps me make that possible. At the same time, keeping our business and manufacturing in the United States contributes to the overall reduction efforts of carbon emissions associated with traditional production.

While being aware of the e-commerce boom in 2020 due to covid-19, there is no better time to cease the moment, and find ways to help each other. My goal is to create artwork that would become a conversation starter for many and trigger positive thinking. I want to create photography that would bring awareness to simple life choices that affect the working class in America. Yes, I will be criticized for that, but if I wasn't it would not be art! 

As a small business owner, I want to open the doors for other local creators and artists, so that this platform can be used as a means of self expression, while at the same time helping their finances. The end goal is to build growth that can lead to the development of jobs in the Yonkers/ Westchester County community. Additionally some of the proceeds of specific items will be used to help put kinds through school in the Dominican Republic by assisting with either tuition fees and or school supplies. 

Help Us make all this possible and thank you for shopping with us.  

Attributes / Content Credit

Because creativity deserve recognition, we give credit and support all free content creators out there. 

Photography Mockups: 

<a href='https://www.freepik.com/psd/frame'>Frame psd created by vanitjan - www.freepik.com</a> 

<a href='https://www.freepik.com/psd/background'>Background psd created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com</a>

<a href='https://www.freepik.com/psd/frame'>Frame psd created by freepik - www.freepik.com</a>